April 4, 2008

{21 Months}

Hattie is 21 months old today, so to celebrate, I thought I’d use Cheryl’s idea from a few months ago and list 21 things I love about my Hattie Ruth. So here goes:

1.)My most recent favorite sentence she says while hugging me is, “Hattie’s lovin’ on her mama,” or “Mama’s lovin’ on her Hattie.”
2.)I love the way her breath smells when she wakes up from a nap or in the morning – a little stinky, but I love it :0)
3.)I love the way her whole room smells like her when I go in there in the morning to get her.
4.)I love the way she mimics the way I sing and sway with Gracen before Gracen’s naptime. She’ll stand in the doorway with her doll and copy what I do.
5.)I love the way she says, “thank you” any time I hand her something.
6.)I love the way she reminds us to “pray to Jesus” before a meal.
7.)I love how she squeals with delight when playing “I’m gonna get you!” with Daddy.
8.)I love her little fat feet and hands.
9.)I love that she has her daddy’s lips and my nose.

10.)I love that she has her Mimi’s kind eyes.
11.)I love that when she’s crying, she’ll come up to me and prompt me by saying, “What’s wrooooong?”
12.)I love the way she says, “Yeah!” when I ask her a question.
13.)I love that she is such a mama’s girl.

14.)I love how she will gladly follow a direction I give her (most of the time!).
15.)I love that she will still let me rock her and sing to her while she rests her head on my shoulder.
16.)I love how girly and prissy she can be.
17.)I love how cautious she is. She won’t attempt anything that is remotely dangerous unless she’s sure she can pull it off. I guess the apple didn’t fall far from the tree!
18.)I love how she’ll come up to me or anyone and say, “Hi! Whatcha doin’?” It seems so grown up to me the way she says it.
19.)I love how her hair curls in the back and the way her little head and neck look when I put her hair up in a big girl pony-tail.

20.)I love how intense her face looks when she’s looking at one of her favorite books.
21.)I love how she dances when her daddy plays music for her.

Gosh, I can’t believe my precious baby is 21 months old today. How time flies!!!!!! What a blessing my little Hattie Ruth has been to her daddy and me! We are just so completely in love, and somehow that love just keeps on growing with her. She’s an amazing gift to us.


mamatutwo said...

How very sweet....and all totally lovable things!

Ebeth said...

Isn't if fun having babies and watching them grow and develop into their own individual.

Have 3 of my own!


Wisdom From the Pope

“The inalienable dignity of every human being and the rights which flow from that dignity - in the first place the right to life and the defense of life - are at the heart of the church's message." Pope John Paul ended his address, saying: "In spite of divisions among Christians, 'all those justified by faith through baptism are incorporated into Christ...brothers and sisters in the Lord.'" Pope John Paul 2