June 4, 2010

Back in the Saddle

I have totally neglected blogging lately, mostly because we've been busy, and I just haven't felt like blogging when the house is quiet.  Generally these days when the girls nap, I need a nap, too.  Pregnancy just kind of does that to a mama :).  But I'm hoping there will be less gaps and more consistency with my blogging now that I'm past the first trimester.  I want to document this precious time.

At 17 weeks tomorrow, it still hasn't really sunk in that I'm even pregnant.  This pregnancy is flying by because life is so busy with two toddlers.  I am so grateful, though, every time I go to a midwife appointment and hear a rapid, strong heartbeat.  Having two children already doesn't make me take that for granted one bit!  I am still so amazed and thankful for that perfect sound!

The next appointment I have, on July 1st, will be the big ultra-sound, the one where we'll hopefully get to find out if this little one is a boy or a girl.  So many people have asked me what I want, expecting me to say boy, I guess, since I already have two girls.  Really and honestly, though,  I want whatever this little one already is.  God has planned our family out perfectly for us.  He already knows what our completed family looks like.  Whatever He give us, son or daughter, will be exactly what our family was always meant to have.  The bigger issue for me, and all parents, I bet, is to just hear those words that the baby looks perfectly heathy and looks right on target growth and development wise.  That is my prayer.
As far as the big sisters go, Hattie knows there is a baby in my belly.  She totally gets it and says she wants a new baby sister most days.  I have heard her say once that a baby brother might be "cool."  Mary Ellen doesn't have a clue of course.  I think the new baby will be hardest on her because she is my baby now, and I treat her like one.  I have held on to her baby ways much more than I did with Hattie, who I was always pushing towards the next milestone it seems.  Maybe that's just something most of us moms do that's different with the first and second child.  You savor the moments more the second time around because you just know they fly by too fast.

We are heading into summer at full force.  Hattie starts swim lessons next week, and we have already been to the pool a few times.  We've also already consumed two watermelons and lots of grilled food.  Nothing screams summer more to us than grilling, swimming, and watermelon.  Summer always makes me crave margaritas, too, but I would rather be in my condition than sipping that wonderfulness right now.  Though, I will surely be going out to the nearest mexican restaurant as soon as this baby arrives ;)!

So in a nutshell, that's what we've been up to.  Hope all is well with you and yours!


Beth said...

Love the pic of the girls. Glad to hear the update... and can't wait to hear if you're having a boy or girl, but definitely that he or she is healthy! Sounds like Sean is stepping up to the plate to drink your share of margaritas :)

AKat said...

STEPHANIE!!!!!!! You are PREGNANT! Holy moly! I have been basically blog browsing on my phone lately and am not logged in. OH MY WORD!!!!! Congratulations! And OH BOY! A Boy! HOW EXCITING!!!!! I am so so thrilled and will be checking back. How are you feeling?!!!

Wisdom From the Pope

“The inalienable dignity of every human being and the rights which flow from that dignity - in the first place the right to life and the defense of life - are at the heart of the church's message." Pope John Paul ended his address, saying: "In spite of divisions among Christians, 'all those justified by faith through baptism are incorporated into Christ...brothers and sisters in the Lord.'" Pope John Paul 2