December 7, 2009

Just Some Christmasy Pictures

On Friday we got SNOW! The girls LOVED it.

This weekend we had Christmas with Sean's family since they will be out of town for Christmas this year.

By the time gift wrapping was over, you couldn't even see the carpet on the floor b/c it was completely covered in wrapping paper and ribbon. Santa sure was generous!

Lastly, I'll leave you with two of my favorite things in one picture: naked babies and Christmas trees! :)

That chair placed strategically in front of the Christmas tree was put there to block access to wrapped presents and indicates that this little girl is a fan of mischief! ;)


Missy said...

Y'all got WAY more snow than we did! Our's didn't even stick! Wah.

Beth said...

Looooove your family pics! Where'd you get that dress? I want it.

AKat said...

Aw, Stephanie! Great pictures, as usual. That last one has to go in the baby book for Mary Ellen! LOL

Hattie's dress and coat are adorable. I'm loving the orange and colorful scarf. You know, some Aggies swear off all orange, but I love that you embrace it. I use words like tangerine or pumpkin when I wear it. Ha!

I hope your sweet family has a very Merry Christmas. Y'all are just beautiful.

AKat said...

Well, I need to get my eyes examined apparently. Hattie's dress is purple and on closer examination her apron is red. Not orange. I'm going off little sleep here, Neil's fighting a cold and getting a tooth. I know you understand.

Wisdom From the Pope

“The inalienable dignity of every human being and the rights which flow from that dignity - in the first place the right to life and the defense of life - are at the heart of the church's message." Pope John Paul ended his address, saying: "In spite of divisions among Christians, 'all those justified by faith through baptism are incorporated into Christ...brothers and sisters in the Lord.'" Pope John Paul 2