Notice that my prissy girl is wearing a necklace in the photos. She LOVES wearing necklaces and bracelets and any type of "pretties." She is such a girly-girl!
And her 8th tooth FINALLY popped through. It's been rough for about a week around here prior to that dern tooth finally surfacing, but things seem to be on the upswing again.
Hattie's newest phrase is "mean cat!" Sean's parents have a cat that HATES everyone except Sean's mom, so every time the babies would chase it, it would hiss like crazy at them. Kinda scary. So now Hattie is on this kick where she says, "mean cat!" and then will "hhhiiiiiissss!" She acts extra proud of herself if I act startled when she does this. It's really cute.
Finally, this is one of my favorite pictures that I took of Hattie and Wendy together. They sure are staring each other down, aren't they! Wendy was so cute. She would curl her little tongue up to the faucet and try to lap up the water. I hope they'll have many baths in Mimi's sink together in the future. My cousin and I were still bathing in my grandmother's sink together at the age of 3 or 4.....okay, maybe we were a little too big to be doing that, but man, we had a BLAST!

yea Hattie Ruth!!! So many more things to reach now!!
Yea for Hattie! She looks so cute with things in her hands and that necklace around her neck - too funny.
And that last picture of her and her cousin - adorable!!! I might have to copy that idea and get Saige and Steven together in our sink. :)
Oh, and thanks for the poem Stephanie. It made me tear up... I am getting very excited to be a mother of 2.
Go Hattie!!! Keep Mama on her toes!
Stephanie, you need to enter that photo in a magazine contest or something. It is so sweet.
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