I have found myself getting more and more interested in photography since Hattie's birth. I wish I had the power to freeze time with Hattie. The way she smells, the sounds she makes, the way she looks when she sucks her thumb, her pudgy fingers and toes, the way she lays her head on my shoulder when she's upset or tired. It's so joyful being her mother.
Unfortunately, I can't freeze time, but I do enjoy savoring moments of my baby in pictures. I try to capture her baby ways while I can because I know they will change way too soon.
I did a little photo shoot for practice yesterday afternoon with Hattie while we were waiting for Sean to come home so we could all go out to dinner. This is my favorite shot. I love her expression - so shy and flirty. It's almost as if her high school crush just walked by, even though she's not allowed to like boys until she's 30. I wonder what she's thinking.....

Pictures speak a thousand words! And you captured some good ones! Keep it up!
What sweet pictures! I love trying to take "good" pictures of Luke, it's just so hard to capture a moment because he's always on the move!
I love it. She is so beautiful!
And she has on a big girl bow!
Oh my gosh, those are so good. Nice work, Momma!
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