Sean also snapped a few pics of Hattie and me at the "partee." I like these two because I didn't even know he was taking them, and natural "unposed" pictures are really my favorties.
We had a really good weekend overall. Hattie is moving to one nap a day, so you can imagine how rough my days have been lately. If you don't know what I'm talking about, imagine having a wee one that is SO TIRED by 1:00 after taking an hour morning nap but will NOT fall asleep for anything. She did this for 3 days straight, so today we decided to keep her up until 11:00 (when she just couldn't take it anymore) and then she napped for an hour and a half. I'm slowly gonna push that nap back, aiming for an early afternoon nap - I hope. Sean keeps telling me that there isn't a science behind it, but the books keep telling me that there is. I don't know. I just want to find a good rhythm like we had before. I hate the limbo stage, and I hope it doesn't last long. So anyways, Sean knew that I have had a few rough days, so he surprised me, got a baby-sitter, and took me to see Becoming Jane on Friday night. The movie was really good, we thought. Romantic and sweet and beautiful. It made me realize that we NEED more date nights. Hopefully moving back, close to family, will help with that :0). Until then, I'll relish in the few nights out we have together. Go see this movie, though. It's good!

okay, several things.
1. Those pictures are gorgeous (but I feel like I say that every time I make a comment on your blog! =)
2. When you said, "I hate the limbo stage, and I hope it doesn't last long" I feel like that is the story of my life! Who knew that trying to get a baby or a child on a schedule could be so stressful??? [Our little man and his interesting eat/sleep/(never)wake habits make his mommy stressed!]
3. I am excited that you got to go to a movie, and that Becoming Jane was good--I want to see it!
Sean, very nice husband/daddy job this weekend!! =)
those pictures of you and Hattie are so cute! and I can't wait to see Becoming Jane! I think my mom and I are going to go see it... I am reading Pride and Prejudice right now to get into the Jane Austen mood. :)
Can't wait for y'all to move to Houston so we can hang out and get our girls together!
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