starts tap/ballet class next week. I have waited for this since I found out I was having a girl :)! We went and bought the ballet slippers, tights, leotards, and tap shoes the other day, and she wants to wear it all constantly. I don't know who is more excited, Hattie or me!
Have y'all seen this show on TLC? So so awful in my humble opinion. Okay, I am NOT one of those moms! But when I signed Hattie up for the class and was told about an ending dance recital that includes a stage and a glittery costume, I think my heart skipped a beat :)! YAY YAY YAY! I am so happy to have a girly girl who loves this kind of stuff just as much as her mama.
Can I come to the recital?
YES! :)
Neil and I want to come, too! Go, Hattie!!! Dance your little heart out. Stephanie, she's precious!
Count us in!
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