Monday Hattie had her 3 year check-up, and I am relieved to report that there were no shots! Her stats: weight - 32 lbs (50th percentile) and height - 38 inches tall (75th percentile). After the check-up, Hattie and I went on a Hattie/Mommy date for lunch while Mary Ellen had some Mimi time. I enjoyed the one on one time I got with my firstborn.
A month or so ago, I finally got around to doing window treatments for our french doors in the playroom.
Aren't window treatments so expensive! Not these! I've seen ideas online about using drop cloths, so that's what I did - bought a $15 drop cloth from Home Depot, cut it in half to make two panels, and voila! And the curtain rod? Have you noticed that Hobby Lobby now carries curtain rods, or is that old news? $16 for the one above, and it's a looong one! That price beat even Target by about $10. Works for me!
Did I mention it is HOT?
Two books on my nightstand right now are:


I recommend both, especially the second one! This book has really shown me how to strive for contentment in my life no matter my circumstances. It is an awesome, awesome book! And if you are Catholic or interested in NFP, you should read the first one. It's filled with great scripture and awesome quotes by the author that really support openness to life. I just want to jot down everything she says in the book.
Did I mention it is HOT?
Oh my word; I am so ready for fall.
love the window treatments!! i may steal that idea for the addition to our house since it has french doors. thanks for the tip!
I want to borrow the book on anxiety because I get bogged down in worries at times that are so draining! I worry about me, hubby, kids, grandkids, people whose prayer requests I read...people on the news who suffer tragedies....I need to stop watching those ER trauma team shows! Tell me why a natural worrier like me would seek out EXTRA horrific worry material? So, anyway - I need to borrow that book!
Steal away, Cheryl! I did :)!
And yes, Mimi, you can borrow the book as soon as I'm done!
Way to go on those windows! I love being thrifty. Gosh, I can't wait for fall, either!!
Wow, Hattie looks so grown up to me in that first picture! Love the window treatments. I finally did some new ones in my kitchen and it made a big difference. It looks like you might be starting a little lending library because I want to borrow that book by Kimberly Hahn when you're done!:o)
I have been wanting to make the dropcloth curtains since I read about them months ago, and if we ever get into our house I will!
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