When she sent me the pictures last night, I loved each and every one of them. While looking through the ones of Mary Ellen, though, three thoughts kept running through my head:
1.) This child has some serious crazy hair.

2.) Mama needs to start cuttin' her rations :).

3.) And, seriously, did this child get ANY of my DNA? I mean, I can vouch for the dimples, but that's about it.

This one cracks me up. I feel like there needs to be a caption attached that reads, "Whatchoo lookin' at?"

And I just love this one:

Hattie had some great ones, too. She was all about taking pictures for the first 5 minutes and then thought it was more fun to just be silly and uncooperative. Such is the life of a 2 year old, I guess.
Can't you just feel her energy? It was bouncing off the walls.

Mimi, do you recognize these eyes? ;)

Then we decided to take some of the girls together.

Hattie wouldn't or couldn't hold Mary Ellen. Not sure which one. Either she thought it was just more fun to fall backwards or she just couldn't hold the weight of her almost 18 pound sister in her lap, so she fell backwards giggling. They were just sitting on the bed, so no one got hurt. All had a soft landing. But we had to try something else.
Hattie loved this pose, but it didn't really work out because Mary Ellen kept flopping over:

This worked out much better:

And this is my favorite shot of the two. It melts my mama heart into a big glop of mushy love.

And in about 10 years when they are fighting and ready to claw each others' eyes out, I will get the above picture out, wave it in their faces and remind them that they really do love each other.
Thank you, Katie!
Those are great! Katie is clearly awesome, but she does have beautiful subjects to work with!
You do have to laugh when you look back at some of those pictures........We may have caused Hattie some permanent spinal cord damage.......Gotta love M.E.'s rolls though -- something tells me she'll be tall and skinny before too long! Fun times!!!
gorgeous! I can't believe ME is such a CHUB!!
Such cute pictures! I love Mary Ellen's little rolls... I bet you just want to squeeze them all the time :)
So precious!
Love ALL of them SUPER MUCH!!!!
oh my gosh the one of ME on Hattie's back seriously made my week!!!! so freakin hilarious! glad there is another rolly polly 7 monther out there i feel like cheeks#2 is the only one. these are all fabulsou hun!!!
Those are great shots! Katie is a wonderful photographer! I love M. E.'s little chub rolls! And, you're right, that last pic is the clear winner. (But they're all great!)
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