We are in desperate need of a new camera. Our current one is a dinosaur and burns out the batteries in about 5 minutes. I would like a nice little pocket one that I could take everywhere, but quality of pictures in very important to me, too. We don't want to break the bank on our new camera purchase either.
I don't remember how much mine cost (summer 2007), but I really like it! It's a Canon PowerShot SD1000 digital ELPH. It's small and has a good zoom and that's about all I know :)
i just bought steven the new sony, from sam's for valentines day, it a fab little point and shoot camera. but the canon powershot is a tad "smarter", and being a canon girl (my dslr is canon) i bet its just as wonderful as the sony....i only bought steven the sony bc he had a sony already and this one was 10 mgpxls, which is totally uncessary for a p&s but he wanted it.
I have a Sony Cybershot. I think it's great, nut then I know nothing about cameras. My husband especially loves it because it is pink!!
I like our Canon PowerShot Digital ELPH also. We only buy Canon and I am happy with my "pocket camera" as our digital Canon SLR was often being left at home since it's too big.
Happy shopping!
In agreement with the Powershot reviews -- if you are ready to make the jump to DSLR, you can't go wrong as long as you get either Nikon or Canon. Both have a wide variety of lenses and will be the exclusive market contenders (they more or less are already) in the next two years.
Also, when you say quality is important but you don't want to break the bank, remember the vacuum...if it was worth it, maybe a DSLR is too (although it fails the "compact" test).
Thanks kiddos....
I lean towards compact Canon Powershot for now...and if Stephanie really wants to start playing with the big boys we can roll a DSLR in the future.
Bada Bing!
I am the yearbook teacher at the local high school, so we have all kinds of cameras! The fancy ones are nice and, yes, take good pictures, but when I send a kid out to snap shots around school, I am most impressed with the quality of our little Fuji from Wal-Mart. My sis in law also has a point and shoot Fuji and the color and quality of images is also great. If you are not wanting an SLR, I'd go with a Canon PowerShot or Fuji, based on experience. Both are fairly inexpensive for a camera, under $150. If you have a little more to spare, I would go with the Canon Rebel XT, which you can get on ebay for around $300. I think you would fall in love. No matter what you get, I can tell you have an eye for photography and that's going to help dictate the outcome of your photos anyway! A good editing program and a fairly good point and shoot camera is all you'll need! Oh, and don't worry too much about the mega pixels, unless you're planning on huge photos! An 8 mpx or 100 mpx is plenty!!!
Oops! I meant 10 mpx! 100 would let you hang your photo in Times Square!!!
We got a 10 mega pixel Canon Power Shot Elph. Diggity Dang.
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