December 29, 2008

Christmas Morning 2008

Pictures from our house Christmas morning:
Hattie got a princess vanity from Santa, and she was mesmerized!

She also got the long awaited "jumpa rope," and even though her motor skills are no where near refined enough to use it properly, she's content just holding it and jumping up and down :).

Mary Ellen slept in until 8:30 (after going to bed at 6:30!). She didn't have a clue about what was going on. All she new is that all the celebration is overwhelming and tiring.

Hattie played with her toys all morning while Mary Ellen napped, and then we went to my moms for lunch and round 3 of Christmas celebration, lots of food, and present opening. And I'll have to post pictures of Christmas at my mom's later because yet again, blogger is being uncooperative.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That picture of Hattie is priceless. Glad you guys had a Merry Christmas!!!

Wisdom From the Pope

“The inalienable dignity of every human being and the rights which flow from that dignity - in the first place the right to life and the defense of life - are at the heart of the church's message." Pope John Paul ended his address, saying: "In spite of divisions among Christians, 'all those justified by faith through baptism are incorporated into Christ...brothers and sisters in the Lord.'" Pope John Paul 2