Christmas Eve was spent with Sean's parents and that side of the family. Sean's parents have 7 grandchildren ages 5 and under so it's totally chaotic but lots of fun. Warning: Picture Overload!
Wendy and Hattie who are two months apart. Wendy lives up in Washington state, so we don't get to see her much, but I was amazed at how well they played together and reminded how territorial 2 year olds can be :).
The 3 mamas to those 7 grandkids, and hopefully more to come - kids, not mamas :)!
The highlight of Sean's gift receiving this year! His parents are so generous. Many hours have already been spent enjoying this new gift. In fact, that's what he's doing right now......
I'll have to post pics of Christmas Day later Blogger is being very slow right now, but I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas and are getting to enjoy lots of time with loved ones!
I want a Wii but I don't have time right now to play with it!!!! Misty got one and also the Wii fit so I'm hoping to be able to go play with her some!
My husband, I mean our kids, received a Wii also. Tons O Fun!!
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