And because my brain is too fried right now to come up with anything else to type, I'll leave ya with some pictures that we've taken over the last few weeks with my added interesting commentary :)..........
The newbie doing what she does best right now.......napping after nursing.

The big sister doing what she does best.......primping with Mommy.

Ooooo, pretty lights and constant vibration = content, alert baby!

Mimi turns 30 again :).

Wendy and Aunt Laurel come for a visit. Hattie and Wendy share a love/hate relationship that only two year olds can truly appreciate and understand.

And probably my favorite event of all, tons of water seeps under the house during a storm, so we get new drainage about $2,500 later.

Gotta love home ownership and what it does to the bank account! Oh, and the perfect timing of when things go wrong with the house.
So if you were wondering, that's what we've been up to in a nutshell, livin' life with our two girls.
1 comment:
Sorry about your house, BUT little Mary Ellen is SO cute! I'll be praying for you to get the rest you need!
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