Yesterday evening Hattie and I went for a walk with Sean's mom. Along the way we stopped at a baseball field and sat in some bleachers while Hattie ran around to burn some energy before bedtime. At one point, my 21 month old BABY ran to a tree a few feet from where we were sitting, looked at us, and clearly proclaimed, "I'm never coming back!"
Oh, my heart sank. Where she picks this stuff up, I haven't a clue! I guess she's watching soap operas when I'm not looking......or maybe she's caught on that a new baby's about to move into her territory.
Luckily seconds after breaking her mama's heart, she ran back over to us yelling, "I'm BAAAACK!"
Oh, thank goodness!
What a goofy girl! Precious picture!
Stephanie! I love to read your blog though I don't get to that often. I am so impressed that you are watching another little baby just before your new little "Button" makes an appearance. I hope you guys are doing well. Hattie is precious and I am excited to see who this next little bundle will look like.
You think she's breaking you heart now...give her a few more years...trust me on this!!!
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