Now I just have to keep everything alive!
In Hattie news, I feel like we're definitely embarking on the terrible twos! Lots of fits and whining have filled my days this past week and most of that has been from her, not me :0). She gets frustrated alot easier now than she use to, and my sweet darling has figured out that she has her own opinions about everything. For instance, look at the red shoes she's wearing in the following picture:

They are her "princess shoes" as she calls them. Her Aunt Missy bought them for her girls and then passed them on to us when they outgrew them. Hattie LOVES them and insists on wearing them every. single. day.
I have also caught her on several occasions looking at her reflection in the oven door, practicing such phrases as, "That's all mine," or "Mine, mine, mine," or screaming "Nooooooo!" Yes, we are in the terrible twos a little early, I'm afraid. I just hope that means we'll be outta them a little early, too!
Luckily, we have glimpses of her sweetness each day, too. She is very affectionate and will often come up to me for no reason and lay her head on me and say, "I love you so much." Those moments help me get through the bad ones. Just this morning, she told me she loved me and then added, "I love ME, too." Ha!

And finally, I've just been thinking a lot about having two little girls. I am so excited! I couldn't help myself last week when I went shopping, so I bought some things for the new baby's room and also bought these for our girls:

Button is still nameless at the moment. I have 3-4 names that I really like, and I just can't decide, so I told Sean he could pick the name from my picks. A good compromise for us since I didn't like any of his girl names. He seems satisfied with that set-up, too.
So that's what's been goin' on 'round here since I last blogged about a week ago. Hope you are all well and enjoying the beautiful spring weather because it's gonna be humid and hot before we know it!
The yard looks awesome and I love the shirts! I can't wait to see Hattie & Button decked out in their "sister" shirts.
Well, if YOU had a pair of sparkly red shoes, wouldn't you wear them every day too??
I can't believe she practices her 2-ness in the mirror. Freakin scary, man.
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