After 4 years of marriage it is easy to fall into the habit of taking my beautiful wife for granted. I'd like to blame this on outside influences such as stress and other various distractions but really it is just my sinful self that sometimes refuses to acknowledge God's many blessings. Among the ways that God has blessed me I can think of no greater blessing than the day that Stephanie said, "Yes."
My life wouldn't be complete without her. She is my beautiful companion and constant help. She is a great mother and a great homemaker. I deserve much less in a wife but God in his infinite mercy decided to bless me abundantly with Stephanie Lynn.
It is with this in mind that I loudly proclaim my praise for God because he created sweet Stephanie Lyyn on January 14th 1981. Happy Birthday Stephanie!
Happy Birthday, Stephanie! Bet you didn't even know that I read your blog :) This is Amanda from Bible Study, by the way. Anyway, hope you have a wonderful day today!
...as granny always says!!!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Belated B-Day Stephanie! I LOVE that B&W photo of you and Sean. God Bless you!
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