I've had the best week with Hattie this week. It was our first full week of no sickness in the house. It was fabulous! She was back to her charming, funny self. It was a dream! The week that a stay-at-home mom dreams of! Now if I could just do something about the morning sickness and constant fatigue. No, I am happy to have that, too!!! :0)
One of Sean's closest friends, Josiah, is getting married tomorrow. I am so excited for him and his bride to be. Sean and Josiah have been friends for so long, and he really is such a godly, great guy, and Cindy seems so sweet and is just radiant. I love weddings anyways, but this one will be extra special!
It'll be Hattie's first wedding to attend and her first time staying with us in a hotel since she was 4 months old. I'm a little worried about that.....but it'll only be for one night, so how bad can it be, right? Maybe I shouldn't ask that!
I found the cutest dress for her at a resale shop a while back to wear to the wedding. I paid $7 for it, and the lady who owns the store assured me that I got a bargain. I think her exact words were, This is like a hundred dollar dress. It's really pretty, but I am shocked at how much money people spend on baby clothes! They just grow out of them so fast.
The dress I'll be wearing is borrowed from my bestest bud, Christie. Luckily I was able to find something in her closet that I can squeeze into. I tried the dress on last night, showed Sean, and asked him, Do I look pregnant in this or just fat? His reply, I don't know. NOT THE CORRECT ANSWER!!!! I am just in the very bloated, unattractive phase of pregnancy right now. I don't feel good. My skin is broken out, and it's a mystery if I had one too many donuts or if I'm pregnant. You know what I mean. That in between stage. You're probably wondering how I can be there already since I'm only 2 months pregnant. Well, this is #2 for me, and it is true that you start showing sooner the second time around. Atleast that's what I keep telling myself!
So I'm hoping to get some great pictures of Hattie in her designer dress, and Sean will be in a tux since he's in the wedding. I just love seeing him in a tux, especially when it's across the room. I don't know why, but he seems more handsome across the room.....okay that sounds bad, but you know what I mean...... :0).
So here's hoping that the end of our great week will be.......even greater!?!?!
We're looking forward to seeing y'all tomorrow!
I always wanted a t-shirt that said "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant!"
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