No shots at this appointment, so that's good!
Her stats: weight - 20 lbs 12 oz (80%)
height - 27 and 3/4 inches (55%)
She's a juicy one, and Mama loves and savors every ounce!
I brought the camera to the doctor's office because Mary Ellen LOVED and befriended her reflection so nicely last time that I wanted to capture it. Once in the room, we waited about 10 minutes for the doctor, and this is what my little social butterfly did for the entire 10 minutes............
I call this one, Like Mother like Daughter.
I call this one, Ah, Ma, Just 5 More Minutes!
And I didn't take any pictures in the waiting room because that might have looked weird, but Mary Ellen was trying for the whole 15 minutes we sat in there to make eye contact with every baby and child she could. If she made said eye contact, she squealed with delight and bounced up and down on my legs. She LOVES attention, especially from other children.
I predict that this one will be the life of the party, that is a no alcohol or smoking, girls only party........... and now I'm sitting here thinking about what kinds of parties will be acceptable for her to be knitting party or a feed the homeless party. Maybe a book club party............. a homework party, or a bible study party, but the 3 no's definitely apply to all of them - no boys, no alcohol, and no smoking. I'm digressing......or jumping ahead of myself here........I think I'd rather live in denial that she's just going to stay my chunky 9 month old indefinitely!
So anyways, we had a good time at the doctor's today, and now both girls are napping, and I have laundry to fold. I plan on doing a better, more "milestone related" 9 month post soon.
And the Hattie girl had pajama day at school today. She thought it was the funniest thing ever to get to wear her pajamas to school. She was so cute. One more day of MDO and we're done until August {sniff}.
I love this post so much. Wendy was JUST LIKE THIS, Stephanie. Wendy searches out reactions from peeps too. Always has. M.E. is going to be a clownster like The Woo Loo, uninhibited, and won't it be fun to see them crack up together?!?!?!?! Having a joyful social giggle girl is a blast. I secretly really wanted Wendy to have the personality she has. Now that I got it, perhaps my next one will have a complimentary personality--perhaps more reserved and studious and cautious. But like I said, joyful giggle bottom girls are endlessly amusing.
Okay so all you were lacking from your adorable photo shoot today was a big bow in her hair!!!!
And to team tanneberger -- make sure and be HERE for M.E.'s 1st birthday so we can get photos of the kiddos together!!!!!!!
So cute! ME is definitely your social butterfly!
Can you PLEASE bring her to Bible Study so I can squeeze her little thighs? And Hattie, too, of course, for entertainment purposes? :)
I, too, just want to squeeze those chunky little thighs! Ha! Mary Ellen is too, too precious.
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