There was a tea party.

Some dancing.....

and giggling........

even a proposal! :)

They were so cute, but they definitely let us know when they had HAD IT with the picture taking. My sweet Hattie-girl is definitely a" by the clock" kind of operator thanks to her mama who is BIG into schedules, so when 11:00 rolled around and lunch wasn't being laid out, a tummy began to growl as did the two year old who owns said tummy.

Katie also got a few of Miss Mary Ellen who is still the snot queen in our house. I AM SO SICK OF SNOT. I AM SO SICK OF SLEEP DEPRIVATION because of snot. Luckily the snot has almost vacated the nose but has moved on to the chest, so she can now breathe fairly well but now has to deal with constant coughing attacks :(. She has not been herself, and I was surprised that Katie actually captured a few smiles.

What can I say? Snotty, tired babies are still ticklish!

And I think this was the last picture taken of us - a tired mama ready to leave two tired babies with Daddy for the afternoon. Luckily they both took good naps for him.

You can look in the background and see that Wendy was still a ball of energy, though :).
Looks like you and the girls had a great day!! Here's to more "you" time.
Happy New Year!
awww man i am sorry i am up right with ya hun the coughing fits and yuckies are keeping BOTH of mine up and i am surviving on coke and dr pepper, ugh! prayers that yall get better soon
It was a lot of fun! I'm glad you like the photos! Thanks to Laurel for thinking of the tea set! That may have saved the day! Next time we'll try for "dry blankets and dry grass"!!!
stephanie, i really like your hair cut! those pictures are all just precious!!!
Yes, I will definitely be there Monday! He will be out of town that night, and Tuesday, and Friday-Sunday... boo! We are having a blast with the kiddos but I am tired from just one day of it - I admire you for doing it on a daily basis. I think I'll keep my cleaning jobs and let you stick to the kids :)
Those tea party pictures are the SWEETEST! We have been having tea around here too ever since Aunt Laura bought Saige a Fancy Nancy book for Christmas!
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