#2) Look who moved to a big girl bed this weekend!!!!

We had no intention of moving her quite yet, but I found this bedspread on Friday, and she REALLY wanted to sleep in her "princess bed" that night, so we figured why not just give it a try. So far it's smooth sailing!
#3) Mary Ellen has learned to roll from stomach to back, and since we tummy sleep her, it's NOT BEEN FUN! These last two or three nights have not been nice to me since she's been waking often to be turned back over. I pretty much feel like this today:

#4) Remember how Sean posted that I like to paint things? Well, this is what our kitchen use to look like:

And this is what it looks like now:

It's still a work in progress, but the color helps, I think! Sean thinks our kitchen looks more "country apple" than ever. And yes, the cabinet door is now covered with chalkboard paint, which so far is working out great for quick lists and "art."
#5) The wonderful cold weather!!! We are loving it!!!!
I love red doors. They are one of my favorite things. Looks great!
Now that our blog is private we're going to be posting naked pictures of eachother...
I love the chalk board paint. What kid wouldn't want to write on the kitchen cabinets?
Uh, Sean made that comment.....NOT ME!
And it's not true, so I hope he didn't scare ya away :)!
I don't understand why naked pictures would be a cause to go private. Especially when anyone can just google "Seante Dollahon" and see plenty of naked pix already.
Kitchen looks amazing--refined and homey at the same time! Mary Ellen has the cutest apple cheeks and BLUE EYES!!!!!!!!!!!
I am glad you went private...I'll probably do the same when Baby arrives! Loving Hattie's bedspread, the chalkboard paint and the red door!
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