1.) Sean got a new (used) car.

After a stalling/smoking incident with the ol’ Honda on his way home from work one day this week, we knew it was time to move on and find something more reliable. Only having one car payment was good while it lasted, but having hubby in a safe car is mucho importante! And car pooling is just not an option in our life right now.
2.) I have pink eye. You know, that annoying infection you got in your eye when you were like 5? Yep, I have that. Neither of my kids nor Sean have it, and I’m hoping to keep it that way, so washing my hands is my new favorite hobby. I have no clue how I got it, but this is just another indication that I have the lowest immune system EVER. Giving my babies my immunities is definitely not the main reason why I nurse.
3.) Hattie has started calling me “Moms” and “Mamaria.” She has started calling her daddy “Uncle Sean.” Weird.
4.) Mary Ellen slept through the night two nights in a row this week, and by slept through the night I mean 7 p.m. to 7 or 8 a.m. Can I get an AMEN! Of course I know that this is not permanent, but I hope it’s a promise of what’s to come in the not so distant future EVERY night!
5.) I’m in the midst of two really awesome bible studies right now. One is with other moms in my church, and we’re studying the Dignity of Women. It’s very challenging for me but so rich in showing me how to be a good Catholic wife and mother, and I absolutely love that I’m developing relationships with about 12 other moms of young ones at my church. This group is an answer to a long prayed prayer.
The other study is Kelly Minter’s No Other Gods. I love it because it’s less challenging than my other study but still chalked full of stuff that I definitely need to hear, and I love the group of girls I’m studying it with – old friends, new friends, some married, some single, women of different faiths, but all strong Christian girls. And one of my fave things about this book is that Kelly has yummy recipes at the end of each chapter. Nourishment for the body and soul!
That’s about it for now. Happy Friday!
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