I've been trying to stay busy with little projects. I finished the nursery. Sorry no pics yet. I made this cute little "princess tutu" for Hattie:

My bags are packed. The house is clean. I'm trying to stay on top of laundry, so I'm not overwhelmed with housework when I come home........every time I go to clean the bathrooms, which is my LEAST favorite household chore, I think, "This is the last time I have to do this before the baby comes." Then I find my(still very pregnant)self back in there with the scrub brush 3-4 days later. Ever since we've started potty training, it seems like the bathroom starts to smell and gets dirty days after I do a deep clean.......what's up with that?!?! Not my favorite part of potty training, BUT I'm pretty confident that Hattie is 90% potty-trained, and the thought of only having ONE baby in diapers when Mary Ellen gets here feels GOOD!
Anyways, I'm still here, and I'm still pregnant. Hopefully that fact will change very SOON! Will keep you updated :)!
You sound EXACTLY like me!!! Of course, I'm not potty training number one, but this waiting thing is tough. Who knows, our babies might have the same birthday!
Christy, let us know when you go! I keep checking facebook and asking Amy about you for updates :).
Praying for you and Justin!
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