The cake table and notice the "Hattie Ruth" bars lovingly made by Mimi. She made these for me to pass out to visitors when Hattie was born.

Hattie and Great Grandmama Ruth, her namesake

Uncle Creighton and cuz, Luke. No, Luke hasn't taken up smoking cigars; he just enjoyed his pretzel sticks this way :).

Hattie and some of her cousins enjoying some grub and light conversation:

It's so hard to get a good family picture with everyone smiling and looking at the camera.....and this was about as good as it got for our family of 3 (soon to be 4!)

Hattie hammin' it up during the "Happy Birthday" song. She danced, smiled, and just glowed the whole time we were singing to her.

Daddy helped Hattie "blow the candles away" as she puts it :).

Then it was present time!!! I was so happy to see that she actually "got it" when it came to opening presents. She wasn't quite there at Christmas, so I really enjoyed seeing her light-up as she opened each birthday present. And thanks to all of our family who gave her such great gifts. She loves all of her new toys, books and shoes, and I love all of her pretty new clothes. I'm gonna have so much fun dressing her up for the rest of the summer :).

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