While we were away on vacation, I would call Mimi to check on Hattie every day. She was always good about filling me in with the things Hattie was eating, what they were doing for the day, the funny things Hattie was saying, and all that good stuff that fills a toddler's day. On about the second day she told me that Hattie was becoming a tree hugger - literally. They had gone for a walk that morning, and Hattie had to stop and hug every single tree she passed. Since we've been home, I've noticed this, too. She can't pass a tree without a quick but sincere embrace. I guess it's her way of "going green."

But she doesn't exactly fit the description of a barefoot, hippie-type tree hugger considering the fact that she still insists on wearing her prissy "princess shoes" most days.
Great pictures! What a cutie.
Good thing she's too young to vote this year.
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