February 7, 2007

Hattie is 7 months old!

Mommy and Daddy are so proud of their little angel who fills their lives with so much joy every day! From the smiles and laughs to the frowns and pouts, we feel so blessed that God has given us sweet Hattie Ruth. She's a little demanding and stinky at times, but our cup truely runneth over! Children are such a blessing from the Lord!

One of my favorite aspects of Hattie is that she is so excited about anything we do with her because everything is so new and fresh. There really is something about experiencing life through a child's eyes, especially when it's your own child.

Well, this post is definitely on the sentimental side! Maybe it's because Hattie is napping right now ;0)! I just can't believe how fast she's growing. I want to capture every second, so I never forget what my sweet baby and our blossoming, young family was like!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is soooo beautiful!! I really didn't think a baby could be so pretty! Happy belated 7 month birthday :) And happy belated b-day Mommy!

Wisdom From the Pope

“The inalienable dignity of every human being and the rights which flow from that dignity - in the first place the right to life and the defense of life - are at the heart of the church's message." Pope John Paul ended his address, saying: "In spite of divisions among Christians, 'all those justified by faith through baptism are incorporated into Christ...brothers and sisters in the Lord.'" Pope John Paul 2