August 25, 2009

Butterfly Kisses & Birthday Wishes

Finally getting around to posting some birthday pictures! I decided to do a collage since blogger is soooo sloooow with downloading these days. You can click on the pic to enlarge! And most of these pics were taken by Katie.

Mary Ellen was definitely a little overwhelmed at her party. But overall, she did a great job, as long as she was in the arms of Mommy or Daddy. She warmed up by the end and even let some other family members hold her for a while. How very brave of her! Still can't believe she's one year old!

August 23, 2009


Have you seen this? If you haven't, you need to! Divine work by a bunch of talented women.

August 21, 2009


Mary Ellen had her one year checkup this week. She weighed in at a whopping 22 lbs - that's my chunky monkey!

That evening to celebrate, she got her first peanut butter cracker with dinner.........

it was a HUGE hit :).

Hattie came home from school Wednesday with her first self-proclaimed portrait of Mommy:

I'm trying not to take it too personally :). It's the thought that counts, afterall!

August 17, 2009

First Day of Preschool!

Today you started your first day of preschool. When you woke up, you wanted scrambled eggs, strawberries, and chocolate milk for breakfast, so that's what you got! You chatted all through breakfast that you were going to color and do arts and crafts and show your teacher your princess band-aid! You wanted to wear your hair down with a clip in your bangs. You seemed like such a big girl.

You walked into your classroom with your backpack on, all smiles. This year was quite different than last year when you were shy and scared. You walked right in, recognized your friends, Meredith, Dominique, and Alexis, and jumped over to chat with them. And you did, in fact, go over to your teacher and talk her ear off about your princess band-aid :)! You seemed like such a big girl.

When the parents were leaving the classroom to go to an orientation meeting, your eyes met mine. You smiled and waved good-bye with no hesitation. You ARE such a big girl! My once clingy baby has blossomed into such a confident, secure child, and I am so very proud to be your mama!

Hattie ready to go to her first day of PreK 3 class!

Sissy had to be in a picture, too, to show that she was there for moral support :).

You were so excited about your red apron.

August 12, 2009

What a ONEderful Year!

One year ago tomorrow, my sweet, cuddly Mary Ellen came into this world.

It was love at first sight.

Those little fingers and toes dazzled me.
Her cheeks, her smell, the way she curled up to snuggle into my body blessed me.

I have a special place in my heart for you, my child, for I, too, was a second born daughter. Mary Ellen, you remind me of myself in that you never allow me to forget you are near and that you NEED me so. You crave attention. You absolutely love to be in my arms. You love hugs and kisses and often lean back when I kiss your cheeks, so as to remind me not to forget to kiss your little neck. Then you giggle with glee.

A year has come and gone, and you have changed me as a mother so much! I have grown and matured. You have had the benefit of not being the "guinea pig" as your big sister was. Fewer mistakes were made, yet other things that I thought were mistakes I would never make, I found myself doing, like co-sleeping with you for the first 8 weeks of your life. Now I cherish that time I had with you, such special bonding time.

At 12 months, my dear, there are so many things I love about you.........
I love your sense of humor and your sassiness.
I love that you don't let your sister aggravate you for very long. You are not a pushover! You fight back!

I love your blue eyes and your dimples.

I love that you light up when your daddy enters the room.
I love that you start smacking your lips and kicking your legs in satisfaction when I put you in the highchair.

I love that you clap and "dance" in your car seat when I turn the music up loud.
I love that you vibrate the back of your throat as if you are purring when you're happy :).

I love how much you love Hattie.
I love how you always greet me with a smile when I come to get you out of bed.
I love your chub!

My darling, I love so many things about you!

You are an angel! I thank God for the year He has given me with you, and I pray for many, many more. What a blessing to our family you are! Happy first birthday, my sweet little toot-toot!

Wisdom From the Pope

“The inalienable dignity of every human being and the rights which flow from that dignity - in the first place the right to life and the defense of life - are at the heart of the church's message." Pope John Paul ended his address, saying: "In spite of divisions among Christians, 'all those justified by faith through baptism are incorporated into Christ...brothers and sisters in the Lord.'" Pope John Paul 2