July 31, 2007
Talkin' & Tantrums

July 27, 2007
Hattie Pics

July 26, 2007
Ingram's Baptism
Anyways, I just wanted my faithful readers (who are too many to count ;0)!) to know that we have not fallen off the face of the earth; we're just enjoying ourselves in Houston right now, and Daddy will join us on Saturday. I'm sure I'll get around to posting a ton of pictures of our stay when we get home.
July 18, 2007
Spontaneous Poetry

July 13, 2007
Happy Friday!

We had a playdate with several other moms yesterday. Hattie was terribly afraid of the dancing Elmo that was there. All of the other kids LOVED it, but she HATED it. She is also so much more passive than the other babies. She's the youngest in the group by a couple of months so that's probably part of it, but all of the other babies were fighting over and stealing sippy cups from little hands, and my daughter couldn't have cared less when it was her own hands they were stealing a cup out of. I guess we haven't reached the major meltdown, tantrum phase yet, but I'm sure it's comin'!
Hope everyone has a happy Friday and a good weekend!
July 11, 2007
1.) I hate tomatoes, but I love ketchup. It's true! I could eat ketchup with anything, but I can't STAND tomatoes. Loved 'em when I was pregnant, though - weird!
2.) I wanted to be a nun when I was little. I guess that changed when I had my first big crush in highschool, but my favorite movie as a little girl was The Song of Bernadette.
3.) I have to sleep with a pillow between my legs. It's been that way ever since I was pregnant with Hattie. Carrying 40 extra pounds just did a number on my back, I think, and now it hurts at night unless I put a pillow between my legs.
4.) I hate talking on the phone. Once in a while I get in a chatty mood, but generally, I don't like to be on the phone.
5.) In highschool and college I journaled every day. I probably have 20 journals filled with my thoughts and writings. I haven't journaled once since Sean and I got married 3 1/2 years ago. Well, I guess having a blog kind of counts as a journal, but it's mostly about Hattie and not me.
6.) I think everyone should read the following books: The Power of One, Angela's Ashes, The Road, and The Secret Life of Bees - my 4 favorite books! I also love The Blue Jay's Dance. I read it in college before I was a mother, but it made me want to be a mother even more!
7.) I hate scary movies. Will not see them. Hate them.
8.) I once had 11 warts on one thumb. I know it's gross, but it's true. Please don't judge me! I don't have them anymore. One morning, after years of various treatments that failed, I woke up, and they were gone.
I tag Christie, Laurel, Jamison, and Cheryl.
Mama's Bed

July 10, 2007
Hattie had her 12 month check-up this morning. She was quite the chatter-box for the doctor. All was well until the shots of course......4 shots this time. It was rough on her. Her weight was 20.4 lbs, so we can officially turn the carseat around, and her height was 28.5 inches - a shorty! Weight fell in the 40th percentile while height was in the 30th percentile. Doc said the bottle has to go "bye-bye." I know, I know. I'm dreading it, though. We gotta do it cold-turkey. Maybe this weekend. Hopefully it won't be as bad as I think it's gonna be.
Hattie also has her 5th tooth coming in. Her two new favorite words are "shoe" and "hi!" Last night I was singing to her before bedtime and one of the phrases in the song was, "On mountains high." When I sang this line, she lifted her head off my shoulder, smiled, and said, "Hi!" She makes me smile so much these days.
July 8, 2007
Anyways, we had to let Hattie have at her cake the morning after her birthday party because she started having a bit of a meltdown when we were trying to do her cake at the party. So here are some pictures of Miss Priss not being so prissy and clean while she discovers her new love - CAKE! Like mother, like daughter!
July 5, 2007
Birthday Pictures
We are still at our inlaws house and are heading home tomorrow morning, but I wanted to post some pictures from Hattie's birthday party. Despite the rain, we had a large crowd to help us celebrate our baby girl turning one. Hattie got overwhelmed, I think, with all of the people. She kind of had the attitude, "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!" There were happy moments, though, for her, and Sean and I so appreciated everyone who came to party with us; we especially appreciate my parents hosting the party at their house. I'll have to post some of our pictures when we get back home, but here are some that my father-in-law took.