December 30, 2006
December 29, 2006
Books We Are Reading
Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace: I've just read the first couple of chapters so far but this is all about "Opus Dei"...which was very dishonestly portrayed in Dan Brown's novel "The DaVinci Code"
Hail Holy Queen: This is all about Mary who is the Mother of all Christians. This was the first Scoot Hahn book I read and really it was so interesting that I read it in one sitting. Do Catholics worship Mary? Why do they say "Hail Mary Mother of God blessed art thou among women"? Hahn walks the reader through the Bible both Old and New Testament and really shows us who Mary is and why she is important to even us Modern Christians.
First Comes Love: This is about love in the Family and leading your family in least that is what the back says as I haven't been able to read any yet.
Rome Sweet Home: This is really the conversion story of Scott and Kimberly Hahn. Why would somebody become Catholic? This is really a history of their journey towards the Catholic Church.
Swear to God: This is about the sacraments in the Christian faith...all seven of them. Each is drawn out biblically, theologically and historically. Hahn also emphasizes their importance in our lives.
The Lambs Supper: This is all about Mass. Why do Catholics have mass every Sunday (some even every day). How is the mass different that "communion" at other churches. Where is the mass in scripture Old Testament and New? Why do Catholics believe in the "real presence" of the Lord in the host and wine? All those questions are faithfully answered in this logical and easy to read primer.
Catholic Christianity: Peter Kreeft. This is a handbook companion meant to explain the Catholic Catechism.
The Rosary: Kelly really gives the reason for the rosary as well as the history and beginnings.
As I said before...these books aren't just for Catholics. They can be read by anybody who simply wants to know "why Catholics do that".
December 27, 2006
Baby's First Christmas X 3
Hattie got to meet her cousins, Wendy and Luke, over Christmas. I think the mommies had more fun than the babies! We were quite brave to take them all out to lunch together. Luckily we had two patient grandmas on standby with us. One woman even came by and asked if they were triplets! Nope, all three babies come from three different mommies! Too bad Hattie is a whole two months older than both Luke and Wendy. I think she is aspiring to be a ballerina. She's not so much into the whole eating thing quite yet. I have to FORCE her to take atleast 4 ounces every 3-4 hours. I wonder who she gets her pickiness from?!?!
Stake Anybody?
La Navidad 2006
We had a great time seeing family and friends this Christmas. For Hattie it was especially special because it was her very first Christmas. She was very excited and loved her presents...especially the wrapping paper. She was such a good girl and hardly cried at all during the whole trip. We think that she is starting to realize that she is a seperate person. Her facial expressions are really coming around...she loves to smile.
December 17, 2006
Fun Family Day at Dallas Arboretum
Our only complaint was that the arboretum was devoid of any kind of refreshment stand or food court. There were 2 or 3 thousand people there yet there was not a soda fountain to be found. They had several food court type places strewn about the place but every single one was closed. We might have stayed a little longer but we got thirsty.
It was a welcome reprieve from a rather difficult Friday night we had. At about 3:00PM Friday evening Sean complained of a stomach ache. That stomach ache turned into a horrific stomach bug which lasted all night and into the morning. By 7:00AM Saturday morning Sean had had enough and went to the ER for a shot of nausea meds and some fluids. We were thankful that neither Stephanie nor Hattie got sick. The doctor at the ER told Sean that about 100 people have gone into the ER during the past week with the same symptoms so obviously something is going around.
Christmas is upon us! We can't wait to see our family and celebrate the birth of the Lord!
December 14, 2006
December 11, 2006
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Wisdom From the Pope
“The inalienable dignity of every human being and the rights which flow from that dignity - in the first place the right to life and the defense of life - are at the heart of the church's message." Pope John Paul ended his address, saying: "In spite of divisions among Christians, 'all those justified by faith through baptism are incorporated into Christ...brothers and sisters in the Lord.'" Pope John Paul 2